The winter rains may be relentless, so it’s wise to take the necessary precautions. The most excellent method, according to outdoors fans, is to invest in a sturdy and trustworthy waterproof spray and then put it on your winter clothing.
Everything from tents to shoes to snow, as well as ski equipment and beyond, falls within this category. These days, waterproofing is all the rage. We can climb mountains in clothing that is airy and waterproof. This is the best era to be alive. Although being waterproof is a luxury, it is easy to take it casually.
The Importance of Re-Waterproofing Your Things
Nowadays, almost all outdoor gear, including rainwear, has a substance coating called Durable Water Repellent (DWR) applied to it. This coating effectively repels water while allowing the fabric to breathe. Protect your gear against water seepage by using DWR, which works by raising the surface pressure of your fabric’s fibers.
If your DWR coating is any good, water will bead upwards and roll off your cloth. An improved DWR coating will also shield your clothing from the sun’s damaging UV rays, making it last longer in actual use. Spots of moisture indicate that the DWR coating has begun to fail, and water is seeping throughout.
These damp areas not only allow water to get in where it shouldn’t, but they also saturate the fabric to the point where it can no longer breathe. The “wet out” is upon us once again.
Pay close attention: Permanent DWR coatings do not exist. You may prolong the life of your water-repellent clothing by re-waterproofing it. Otherwise, you should wear your raincoat jacket in a puddle.
Make Sure Your Gear Is Waterproof by Washing It
Everything you wish to re-waterproof raincoats, backpacks, tents, etc.—has care labels that explain how to clean them. It is important to clean everything wholly and correctly. All it takes to make your gear water-resistant again is a thorough rinse.
If you want your gear to last and smell nice, you need to remove all that hard-earned grime and sweat. Cleaning your waterproof gear with detergents made for it is the next logical step. These goods have the potential to extend the duration between DWR reapplications.
When it’s clean, determine if a new coat of DWR is necessary or if you can treat specific areas. As said before, it’s possible to find that only specific areas of an item were wearing down and require repair. Do you only need to iron the shoulders of your jacket as well as the seams of your tent?
Protect Your Gear with Waterproof Spray
Products made of Gore-Tex or eVent, as well as rain gear, tents, bag covers, and anything else with multiple layers that you wish to waterproof on the outside, are ideal candidates for waterproofing spray.
- In contrast to waterproofing spray, wash-in waterproofing solutions apply DWR to the whole garment while it’s in the wash.
- There will be specific instructions to adhere to for each wash-in waterproofing detergent. There’s no need to fret; the procedure is as easy as doing a regular load of laundry.
- Even though Out and About waterproof spray and other wash-in waterproofing solutions don’t need a low-dry cycle to “seal” to cloth, there are those that need it. To obtain the most effective DWR performance from any product, be sure to follow every instruction to the letter.
Check Out This Water Proof Spray

Methods for using our water-resistant spray
- Get the surface ready
Preparing the surface of the object you want to waterproof is the initial stage. What this means is that you need to clean and dry it thoroughly. Start using this step because the spray won’t work if there’s any moisture or pollutants.
- Aerate and mist
To ensure that the contents of you’re able of CRC Aqua Armour are thoroughly combined, give it a vigorous shake. Keep the can upright and about 15 to 20 cm away from the surface that needs waterproofing.
To uniformly moisten, use a smooth sweep motion to apply the spray. Avoid applying to suede or other sensitive leathers, as well as do your best to prevent oversaturation.
- Put on an additional layer.
Put on a second coat when the first one dries for optimal results. Give it at least 24 hours for drying after the last coat for best results.
- Rinse and apply again.
You are free to wash the item in a washing machine or any other method you like as soon as it gets dirty. You can reapply the Out and About waterproof spray after cleaning and drying it using the same steps as before.
After you’ve cleaned your footwear, spray the permeable fabric with waterproofing, much like you’d want synthetic materials on a jacket or bag. But you have to be careful with leather. Your boots’ leather will dry out to split if you don’t clean and cure them, and then they will leak. Keep the shoes as soft as a newborn cow’s bottom by cleaning them with leather-specific products and applying waterproofing wax.
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